Pre Operative Rhinoplasty Surgery

– Please ask any questions you have to ask prior to surgery. Myself, the staff and our members will be glad to answer all your questions & concerns, prior to your procedure.
– Please check with the staff to make sure you are healthy enough to have surgery and anesthesia without any problems. We require a few testings needed prior to the time of your surgery.
– Lab work and surgical clearance are done at least 2-4 weeks prior to your surgery. The earlier the better to make sure the client is healthy for surgery. So 30 days is generally a good time to clear all lab work and blood test.
– We will arrange all your post-operative appointments. I will like to see you on the day after surgery then about five to seven days post-operatively.
– We will discuss all the beneficial recovery suppliers such as Q-tips, Hydrogen Peroxide, Antibiotic ointments, Petrolatum ointment, Saline sprays, and such.
– You should stop taking any blood-thinners at least 2 weeks prior to your surgery. Please verify the drugs that you are taking with myself. However, medications such as Aspirin, Ibuprofren, Motrin, Aleve, Advil and all other NSAIDs can make you bleed excessively.
– Medication such as Pradaxa, Plavix, Aspirin, Coumadin and such should be verified with myself prior to surgery. Generally it is best to stop these medications at least 9-14 days pre-operatively and for up to 2 weeks post-operatively.
– You are allowed to take your blood pressure medication, cardiovascular medication and related drugs only with a small amount of water in the morning of your surgery. If you are a diabetic patient or a patient with hypertension, please consult with us to arrange all your accommodations.
We will provide a list of supplements to avoid at this time please refer to the list in the URL below.
DO NOT EAT OR DRINK AFTER MIDNIGHT. You are allowed to take a small sip of water just to be able to consume your medications prior to surgery.
– We will discuss the benefits of specific vitamins/supplements such as Quercetin, Bromelain and Arnica Montana. Some patients have noticed benefits however this can be taken if you wish.
– Please take a thorough shower the morning of your surgery with an mild soap. Be sure to cleanse your face, hair and neck.
– Females must NOT USE ANY COSMETIC MAKE UP PRODUCTS on their face prior to surgery.
– Do not wear any jewelry to the hospital. Remove all jewelry and piercings please.
– You must wear loose fitting clothes with a shirt that can be zipped up from the front.